
Friday, August 23, 2013


Multiple of 14 chains plus 4

FOUNDATION ROW (FR) 3 dc, into 4th ch from hook, * sk next 3 chs, 1 sc into each of next 7 chs, *sk next 3 chs, 7 dc into next ch; rep from * ending last rep with 4 dc into last ch, turn

ROW 1:  Ch 1, 1 sc into each each st to end working last sc into 3rd of beg skipped ch 3, turn,                                                                                                                                                                   

ROW 2:  Ch1, 1 sc into each of first 4 sts, sk next 3 sts, 7 dc into next st, sk next 3 sts, 1 sc into each of next 7 sts; rep from * to last 11 sts, sk next 3 sts, 7 dc into next st, sk next 3 sts, 1 sc into each of last 4 sts, sk turning ch 1, turn.                                                                                                           

ROW 3:  Ch 1, 1 sc into each st to end,  sk turning ch 1 turn                                                              

ROW 4:  Ch 3, 3 dc into first st, * sk next 3 sts, 1 sc into each of next 7 sts, sk next 3 sts, 7 dc into next st, rep from * ending last rep with 4 dc into last st, sk turning ch 1, turn.    

ROW 5:  Ch1, 1 sc into each st to end working last sc into 3rd of ch 3, turn.  Rep rows 2-5 for length required, ending with a row 5.                             
This is not solid color, as I used pastel mix colors, it has rows of alternately spaced seven-stitch shells, divided by rows of single crochet.  Work this stitch on a solid or use a hand-painted yarn to get a different look.

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