
Friday, May 3, 2013

Clover and Sam (my little Papillon Dogs)

I am proud to let you know that I have 2 little Papillon dogs that I looked after other than doing some crafts at home.....Sam who is the male dog is quite funny and joy to us, he is almost a year old next month. Sam chews everything he sees on the floor, even our comforter he chewed them twice which I fixed the first time, the other day he chewed again beside the one he chewed on. Clover who is a female dog is about 4 years old, calm and has a bit of an attitude.  Here are some pictures of our dogs.
This is Clover who loves to have her picture taken. Sam playing around on the bed. And the two at the bottom outside the deck.  The only way I can tell the difference between the two was Sam has brownish coat in his ears plus his back and tail were all black in color, whereas Clover has spots of black color on her back.

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