
Monday, July 8, 2013

Tomatoes and Eggplant

  • My one and only eggplant in the garden blooming lots of flowers and producing more eggplants.  We tried one eggplant, grilled in the BBQ cooker and it was delicious, succulent and tender.....there are more eggplants coming out.....yay!

 These are my Italian basil (above image) cut some on top to use for my spaghetti sauce; cut up fresh oregano, onions, and fresh tomatoes yet, soon they'll be grown, I will be making my own pasta sauce from fresh tomatoes...:-)
 Tomatoes really getting bigger and soon I will make fresh pasta sauce and fresh salsa...:-) Or fried green tomatoes?  Or mix them with your salad.....
 The above image are my sweet onions, some are red onions and some are white onions.  The red onions are not doing good on this kind of soil, I supposed it needed more manure....The image below is my sweet potato, I had about 3 planted, growing in a container.....hopefully by the end of the summer I will have some sweet potatoes...I love sweet potatoes! 

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