
Thursday, October 31, 2013

Boppy Cushions/Pillows

I was literally awed when I was told that my one and only daughter is having a baby, means that I am going to be a "grandma"...excited and elated as I have many things in mind creatively what to make for my grandchild, whether it would be a boy or a girl, as long as the mother and the baby are healthy...that's what matters the daughter had been on the internet checking out what are needed for pregnant young women...I was told by her that for pregnant women sometimes they are not comfortable when they sleep, she asked me to make her "boppy pillows",  I never heard of them when I was pregnant, I know the fact that I made my own maternity dresses, bunting for my baby, gloves, baby spread, and cloth diapers...what I have here were my own version of boppy pillow and boppy nursing pillow.

If you are looking for comfort while in bed, sleep comfortably, this is the kind of pillow a pregnant woman could ask for. 
Another type of a boppy pillow where you can use when nursing a baby, just put around your waist, place the infant baby sitting and holding on the baby's back.

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