
Thursday, October 31, 2013


Back to my passion, jewelry making.  What I have here for you is an 18 inch "rosary necklace" made of gold filled wirings, gold plated crucifix, gold plated medallion, and freshwater cultured copper pearls. 

Country Style Floral Prints Pillow Cases

Left over fabric from the country style *floral prints* that I made as curtains in our bedroom.  

Fabrics I brought from Toronto, Canada

Cut up 26 1/2 " length X 20 1/2" wide for the 2 pillow cases with binding and cut up 31"X20 1/2" for the easy to sew pillow cases.

These were the 2 pillow cases with binding.  I made my own binding on these two.

These were the easy to sew pillow cases.

This how it looks in the bedroom......Curtains behind the headboard and 4 matching pillows.

 2 meters of fabric left from the panels of curtains, I decided to make pillow cases to match with the country style curtains I made recently...they were 2 pillows with binding and 2 simple and easy to sew pillow cases.  The above picture was when I made my own binding for the 2 pillow cases.


These flowering plants grew annually, they usually grow back in the spring time....They were located at the front yard, beautiful colors, although the weather had been chilly in Toronto, they're still blooming...
A bee seeping nectar from the flower.


Boppy Cushions/Pillows

I was literally awed when I was told that my one and only daughter is having a baby, means that I am going to be a "grandma"...excited and elated as I have many things in mind creatively what to make for my grandchild, whether it would be a boy or a girl, as long as the mother and the baby are healthy...that's what matters the daughter had been on the internet checking out what are needed for pregnant young women...I was told by her that for pregnant women sometimes they are not comfortable when they sleep, she asked me to make her "boppy pillows",  I never heard of them when I was pregnant, I know the fact that I made my own maternity dresses, bunting for my baby, gloves, baby spread, and cloth diapers...what I have here were my own version of boppy pillow and boppy nursing pillow.

If you are looking for comfort while in bed, sleep comfortably, this is the kind of pillow a pregnant woman could ask for. 
Another type of a boppy pillow where you can use when nursing a baby, just put around your waist, place the infant baby sitting and holding on the baby's back.

Butterfly Lace Stitch Crochet ~ INSTRUCTIONS ONLY

This table cover was crocheted while in Toronto.  This is very easy to crochet...

Skill Level:  Intermediate

Chain a multiple of 15 plus 4

FOUNDATION ROW:  4 dc in 6th ch from hook, *ch 5, skip next 4 ch, 1 sc in next ch,  ch 5, skip next 4 chm 4 dc in next ch**, skip next 4 ch, repeat from * across, ending last repeat **, skip next 2 ch, 1 dc in last ch, turn.

ROW 1:  Ch 3(counts as dc), skip first 4 dc, 4 dc in next dc, *ch5, 1 sc in next sc, ch 5, 4 dc in next dc**, skip 6 dc, 4 dc in next dc, repeat from * across, ending last repeat **, skip 3 dc, 1 dc in top of turning ch, turn.

ROW 2: Repeat Row 1.

ROW 3:  Ch 1, 1 sc in first dc, * ch 5, 4 dc in center ch of next ch-5 loop, ch 5, skip next 3 dc, 1 sc iin next dc, repeat from * across, ending with last sc in top of turning ch, turn.

ROW 4:  Ch 1, 1 sc in first sc, ch 5, *4 dc in next dc, skip 6 dc, 4 dc in next dc, ch 5, 1 sc next sc**, ch 5, repeat from * across, ending last repeat **, turn.

ROW 5:  Repeat Row 4.

ROW 6:  Ch 3 (counts as first dc), skip first sc, *4 dc in center ch of next ch-5 loop, ch 5, skip 3 dc, 1 sc in next dc, ch 5, 4 dc in center ch of next ch-5 loop, repeat from * across, 1 dc in last sc, turn.


Country Style Drapes-Floral Print Fabric

Since I have been away for 7 weeks, I wasn't able to do or make some creative crafts and sewing.  I was busy crocheting, looking for maternity clothes and baby stuffs in Toronto, Canada I made several crocheted table covers and baby crib spread.  And when I came back, I noticed that our bedroom needed a bit of change. We usually have horizontal blinds, due to wear and tear they don't usually last longer.....I brought some materials from Toronto, Canada and used one of them to make curtains for the bedroom window and matching pillow cases...I made two (2) unlined panels of 56" wide and 62" length of curtains.
2 1/2 inch seamline for the rod.

An inch seamline lengthwise and an inch seamline at the botton portion of the panel.

Friday, October 25, 2013

I am back from holidays!!!

Happy Friday Everyone!  I am now back from my vacation which was almost 7 weeks...I had been very busy sewing and crocheting while in Toronto...I  made several "boppy pillows" ~ these pillows are very useful for pregnant women as sometimes it is very uncomfortable to sleep and to lie down when you're pregnant.  These pillows are very comfortable for pregnant women and nursing mothers...I have sewn several of them, a small boppy pillow and a large boppy pillow.  The small boppy pillow is useful for nursing mothers and the large boppy pillow is useful when lying down or sleeping at night...

Had a great time with my daughter and my sisters, bonding, going out together, etc., etc., I will be posting several creative craft ideas here and there.  Have a great week end to all my friends and followers...:-)